Teaching our children to live greener
(Image by Stuart Miles / FreeRangeStock.com ) Recently, my daughter asked me where paper comes from. The question seemed out of the blue, so I figured she probably already knew the answer, probably something she learned while watching YouTube. "Trees," I said. "I don't know how they do it, but they make paper from trees." After a short pause, she told me that she didn't want to color anymore because coloring on paper would mean that trees would be cut down. But then she qualified it. "Well, I don't want to do a lot of coloring." Her concern for the trees made me smile. I don't think her motivation had anything to do with living greener, but rather was nothing more than a brief feeling of guilt about what happens to a tree in part because she enjoys drawing and coloring. But I like that she thought about it and felt the need to take action.* As I make changes for a greener lifestyle, I've toyed with the ide...