Going strawless
(Photo by Ian L / FreeRangeStock.com ) Back in March, I wrote about a blog post I had come across titled " 8 bits of plastic you can quit right now ," and one of the "8 bits" was the drinking straw. Based on my Facebook feed over the past couple of weeks, I think going strawless might be catching on, as at least three of my friends have recently shared a link to another article talking about giving up straws. But for me at least, I've found going strawless isn't as easy as I thought it'd be. I didn't realize how attached I was to those silly bits of plastic. For instance, have you ever been drinking a glass of water and crushed ice without a straw and when you tipped cup up to take a drink, a whole mass of ice and liquid slammed against your upper lip and nose and spilled onto your shirt? That doesn't happen when you have a straw. Straw also mean you can take a coffee or tea or soda or whatever your favorite drink with you when...