Hand-me-downs good for the pocketbook and the planet
(Photo by Chotthanin Udomwariyawat / FreeRangeStock.com ) Thanks to the generosity of friends and family, having a baby six years ago didn't bring financial disaster to my husband and me. We got many necessities (and a few non-essentials) at the baby shower, and we have received tons of hand-me-downs my oldest niece had outgrown and a very generous collection of garage-sale finds from one of my best friends. Within months of my daughter's birth, we, too, we're amassing a pile of out-grown clothes and things our daughter had outgrown. I had no idea what to do with them all. At first, we put them back, thinking maybe, just maybe, another baby might come along. When that didn't happen within the first couple of years, I started thinking about what to do. Thankfully, my younger sister soon had a daughter of her own, and everything I had that was still usable found a new home. I know passing along clothing, especially among people with growing children, is a commo...