Balancing your checkbook with less paper

© Mpalis | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images Balancing my checkbook is a chore for me. Once a month or so, I'll print out the list of everything that has gone through my account and reconcile my register with what the bank says I have. Because I put off this task, printing my statement takes several pages. This past weekend, I printed more pages than I ever have: a whopping 12 pages of debits and credits. I was shocked it took that many pages and I felt guilty for — let's just call it what it is — wasting that much paper. But when you wait three, four, five weeks or so to see where your checkbook stands, it helps to have a printout to cross off items you've already noted or circle items you can't remember making. That got me thinking: I need to do my checkbook more often. Oh, it's a thought I've had before, but this was the first time I realized that I don't need to fire up my computer to balance my checkbook. My bank app makes acce...