Eating right feels good

Do you ever feel proud of yourself for something, but feel guilty for patting yourself on the back because you know you should've been doing it all along?

That's how my last month has been.

Every two weeks when I go grocery shopping, I toss fresh vegetables into the cart with the intention of washing them, cutting them up, and then packing them for my lunch at work. More often than not, however, in the rush to get out the door on time, I forget my lunch or for a variety of reasons, I decide I want something else. I wind up either stopping by a store for convenience foods — frozen dinners and canned soups — or buzzing through a drive-through.

But over the past few weeks. I spent more days dining on carrots, celery, tomatoes and almonds than I did Lean Cuisine or Burger King.

I still have a ways to go before I can declare my old habit officially deceased, but I'm getting there. Its hard to measure what effect this small change will have on the planet, but it's been awesome for both my waistline and bank account.


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